Kiev Patriarchate priest calls to establish garrison state in Ukraine
“I urge the top military to assume responsibility for the state – due to the evident inability of Poroshenko to take actions to defend our state,” writes the priest.
“One must refuse from all kinds of social donations and salaries, work for food behind the lines, fight for food at the front, introduce food coupons, and hurl all the released reserve to new armament, do our best to get ready for the war,” called the UOC-KP priest.
“President Poroshenko is a coward who has been leading us to defeat for the third year now. In fact, the President did as much as possible so that Russia could invade and have every chance to success. He is not alone – all the elite have been engaged in this business since 2004. Our fail-president bribes people, turns us into prostitutes with handouts from American loans,” he says.
“I call on Poroshenko to surrender his power to generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who will be able to win the war. The new military government cannot rely on the USA. Trump is going to betray us,” appeals Chmel.
He added, “Hand over power to militaries till it’s not too late and go to your business, since war is not you are good at. The military government will put all the elite without exceptions behind the bars. You and Yushchenko team have been driving us to this massacre since 2004. Here we are – at the massacre place – having followed Yushchenko in 2005-2010, and then you.”
“There is thunder in the air. The army should bear the responsibility for the Liberation War, for our state, our Nation, all our descendants – because civil politicians are apparently unable to sort out these issues,” concluded the cleric of the Kiev Patriarchate.
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